Monday, 12 September 2011

Finally* off to Brazil.

So with our bags packed, goodbyes said and a little bit of a hangover (see previous) we headed to heathrow. There isn`t much to be said for the journey, and Thida, seasoned traveller that she is, wasn`t sure it waranted a post, but as it was my first long-haul flight I was quite excited....

Excited as I was, I think we were both expecting a bit of a nightmare which thankfully, didn`t materialise. The train was easy, the terminal was empty, the plane food actually tasted OK and watching 5 films in a row is probably what I would have done with my day anyway. Aside from some horrifically fast driving from our taxi on the Rio end, it was all very easy and comfortable. Plus Heathrow T5 didn`t even loose our bags, which must make us some kind of QM fluke.(Crack!)


* The fact that I had to google the correct spelling of this doesn`t really bode well for the writing on this blog, consider this and apology for any and all future offence caused by my awful English.

1 comment:

  1. Great you got there ok and had a good flight. Returning from Brazil with Air France was by far the WORST flight of my life! Jon.
